Carrier unveil new vertical freezer

GERMANY – Carrier Commercial Refrigeration today announced the launch of its new vertical freezer, the Velando Quick Loader. The company revealed that the freezer features integrated LED illumination and a large display area to enhance the presentation of multiple product categories, with premium products on top shelves and bulk products in the bottom basket. Carrier further claimed that the freezer’s ergonomic double door system would facilitate product loading for store staff and help ensure that the merchandise is easy to reach for shoppers.

Carrier hope that prospective customers will be attracted by the energy efficiency and reduced lifecycle costs of the freezer, which, the company claims, are made possible by the integrated energy saving technology, such as the high-efficiency frame and LED illumination. Carrier also suggested that its customers may see their sales rise due to improved merchandise visibility and accessibility, while the improved loading ergonomics may have a positive effect on staff productivity.

Speaking at the launch, Patrice Boutillot, program director for E6 cabinet generation with Carrier Commercial Refrigeration Europe, declared that “When looking at the layout in a supermarket, it was clear the frozen food area needs a cabinet with a brand new concept for improving both the shopping experience and the logistics.”

Mr Boutillot concluded his presentation, stating “When we designed the Velando Quick Loader, the advantages of what existing freezers offer to consumers and retailers were further developed, and new innovative features were implemented.”