The RAGE program (Règles de l’Art Grenelle Environnement) continues

FRANCE – The end of 2014 year is also the end of the Règles de l’Art Grenelle Environnement (RAGE 1) program. To avoid a legal vacuum, new provisions have been made for the development of a new program.

The new RAGE 2 program – whose development is gradually becoming a reality – must take into account all that has not been included in the current program. The driving force behind the new program will be the Studies and Training Centre for Climate Engineering and Technical Building Equipment (COSTIC).

So what are the changes introduced by this new program that will take effect in a short time? And what are the contributions of COSTIC for the dissemination of this program?

The changes contained in RAGE 2
It is expected that all the methods which have not been taken into account in RAGE 1 will be the subject of a study by RAGE 2. This example will cover:
• Biomass stoves
• Hybrid boilers,
• Restoration of existing equipment,
• The development of computational tools as regards the tablets.

Other arrangements are also under consideration for this new program. These are related to the organisation of regional meetings in order to make available the new measures include professional educators HVAC.

It is also expected that the unfinished documentation in the RAGE 1 program is subject to finalisation. This is among other things:
• recommendations for the profession,
• Guides, and
• reports.

The decisive contribution of COSTIC

In order that these new provisions are known and assimilated by all professionals in the field of HVAC, certain measures are being taken by the COSTIC. Thus, the agency will proceed during 2015 to train in the following categories:

  • Business Administration inHVAC: 343hour module,
    • Installer maintainer heaters Wood: 210 hour module, and also
    • Energy recovery: 28-hour module.

This new version takes into account new technological advances in the field of HVAC. In addition, a new guide on micro or mini-CHP internal combustion engine to natural gas is in production. COSTIC will use all its available skills and resources to ensure that the transition from one program to another has no effect on the smooth running of the activities of the sector.