FRANCE – FIRE 2015 Forum Industriel de la Récupération d’Énergie

The 5th edition of the FIRE conference will take place on January 22, 2015 in Lyon.

Industry today is faced with an increasing number of new challenges to maintain and increase its competitiveness especially ina context whereenergy prices are expected to rise,prices are no longerregulated and stringent new energyregulations must be met.

25% of the energy consumed in industry is lost as waste heat (CEREN study 2011). Recoverable energy therefore has a major role to play as a source of energy efficiency for any industrial plant.
For many years CETIAT has been pragmatically helping manufacturers to find operational solutions to improve their energy performance.
In 2015, CETIAT invites you to this new FIRE forum to share your experiences and obtain feedback from others that will help you successfully carry out your heat recovery projects.

Above and beyond the technical aspects, FIRE remains a meeting place where suppliers, users and technical advisors can come together to develop and implement solutions to help reduce energy consumption in industry.

22 January 2015, 9h – 17h15

L’Espace Tête d’Or,

Boulevard Stalingrad,
