Adapting to new French decree on F-gas

The highly anticipated decree implementing the European regulation F-gas II (Regulation EC 517-2014) finally pointed the tip of his nose at the very end of 2015.
Decree No. 2015-1790 of 28 December 2015 on certain fluorinated refrigerants and greenhouse gases published in the Official Gazette of December 30 came into force the day after its publication.
To recall, the European Regulation n ° 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases effect (GESF) and repealing Regulation EC No. 842/2006, was adopted April 16, 2014 by the Parliament and the Council of the Union European.
In force since 1 January 2015, this regulation aims to mitigate climate change and protect the environment by reducing the emission of gases fluorinated greenhouse gases, reducing fixed at least 2/3 of emissions 2030.
It establishes standards for the containment, use, recovery and destruction of fluorinated gases greenhouse gases (hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and other GHG containing fluorine listed in Annex I) and goes up to the ban on the sale of certain products containing these types of gas.
At the French level, the decree clarifies the provisions on the F-Gas Regulation, but also of Regulation No 1005/2009 on substances that deplete the ozone layer (recast) of 16 September 2009, adapting the code of environment with their provisions.
As provided in its notice, the Decree “regulates the conditions of sale of equipment whose refrigerant load is carried out in the factory but need to call in an enterprise that has a regulatory certification, called” certificate of capacity ” to perform their assembly. Without changing the distribution channels of the equipment, it ensures that only authorized professionals will take delivery of the equipment and any individual or company demonstrating that it will comply with the regulatory requirements applicable to the assembly of the equipment. It defines a progressive program of prohibition of use of various substances subject to Regulation No 1005/2009. It sets an obligation to dispose of such refrigerants chlorofluorocarbons subject to prohibitions of use for over ten years. It also establishes the regulatory basis in order to simplify, by ministerial order, the provisions relating to the intervention sheet, mandatory when handling refrigerants. “